Monday, November 26, 2007

Night Out

My wonderful, awesome sister and her family watched the kids for me last night so I could go to Buddy's banquet. She was baking cookies for the kids to decorate when we got there. My niece is sooo good with kids they just adore her. They had an incredible time. Hannah has been crabby now - too late of a night. She fell asleep on the way home, but it was still a short night. I need to start taking photos. They were so cute laying on the couch with K.

I spent yesterday trying to figure out how to set up a web site. Now it needs information and photos.

Buck is super busy with work. (I'll be missing you this week Buck xxooxo)

Today I'm going to play. Out to lunch with a friend, work on the business cards, then to the chiro. and maybe out for dinner with Buck. Yipee!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Today hasn't been quite as bad as I anticipated. We went shopping, out for lunch, and I get some Christmas cookies baked. All in all not too bad. Maybe tomorrow I'll get to work on another project before we go to Buddy's end of year banquet. I still haven't gotten to go through Toots & Booboo's old clothes yet.

I can't wait to get together with some good friends in the making. We seem to have quite a bit in common. Speaking of friends - it's somebody's birthday today - I'd better hurry so I can give her a call. She is ultra preoccupied with the kids God has brought into her life. God's blessings!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

It was a good Thanksgiving here. How about you?

Booboo has discovered that he can regurgitate food as a method of control. How can someone so cute and adorable be so-------- needless to say it was an interesting dinner sitting between Toots and Booboo. I still managed to get full though. Buck offered to put them to bed tonight - what a sweetheart. Toots is continually saying hateful things to me, but then she turns around and is so kind and compassionate. I shudder to think what the future holds for us parenting these two into adulthood. Sometimes I wonder what life would be like without all the hassles, but then I stop myself from thinking too selfishly.

Today, I was dealing in grief - still. It is really hard to be ultra patient and pre-schooly when you're wanting just a few minutes to yourself. I had a melt down myself this morning, but my self inflicted timeout was short lived. I'm trying to prepare myself for tomorrow; it promises to be a more challenging day. I must take a few minutes with my Bible in the morning. I need to find a way to give attention to my family without sapping all of my (emotional) energy supply.

Today I am very thankful for my family, animals, rescue workers, friends, shelter, an abundance of food, and for all the people who have been praying for me. Thank you Lord for loving me even when I'm wacko.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Last night instead of blogging I went through some of my grandparents' stuff. There were lots of pictures and even an old accounts ledger. I have some organizing blood in me - I just wish it would surface more frequently. Today Buddy is working on hanging up hat racks for the abundance of baseball hats that we just can't live without. I hope I can live with the hat racks. Someday I need to find a way to display MY hat collection. If i just hang them up, they will get too dirty. I have many hats that my mom designed for her "hat talks" where she shared her testimony through the hats (some of them are hilarious - like her spring hat that is an old bed spring all decorated up. I have 2 WW1 helmets: 1 American, 1 German. I have the two different style of hats that my dad used for work - the traditional cop hat and the newer smokey style. There is even an old leather hat box - so cool. But where can I put them so they stay safe from Toots & Booboo and dirt?? I need help.


It was a good day yesterday. I got adjusted, organized the jackets, and even made a batch of Christmas cookies. Since I didn't have the kids along to the chiropractor, I took advantage of the situation and stopped at an office supply store to see about business cards for our new ministry. I'm so excited, but why do I do these things when Buck is so busy at work and I really want to work on this stuff together. Reminder to self -- get web site address and work on short ministry phrase.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

nightime at last

I'm exhausted and I didn't accomplish anything today. The emotional toll of raising Toots and Booboo is once again overwhelming me. I cannot spend even one day with them without needing a break. I hope tomorrow's PCA can fill in for me so I can run to the chiro. without extra stress.
At this point in their young lives we need stay and monitor them till they fall asleep. Perhaps if they had separate rooms Booboo could fall asleep on his own, because he hates me anyway - but Toots just can't stay still enough to fall asleep without a constant reminder that it is bedtime. I am very thankful that she hasn't had any night terrors lately and her nighttime adventures seem to be better. Instead of "entertaining" herself downstairs she has been coming into our room; a much less terrifying night for me.
My roast turned out o.k., but I'm striving for melt in your mouth perfection. Maybe I'll get it right next time. Tonight Buck recorded one of our favorite shows so we can watch it together. He is so sweet. Last night for our date, we bought a bunch of junk food and a movie and hung out in the barn; we had a nice time. So tonight we are going to indulge in another ice cream bar. I can't wait for Toots to fall asleep.


The little ones are wild today. I suppose it's because of a new reutine. Buck's parents came over to help fix the plow truck, while we were getting ready for church. I left with the littles while Buck and Buddy stayed home to work. Why bother? We snook into the church's library area and the kids went wild - there was no way I could hear the message so I packed them up and left. grrrrr Someday I'm going to go to a stranger church with a nusery :) and just enjoy the service. Buck's folks are so good to us, I'm glad they are here.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Don't ya just love it when the kids are sooo tired,but won't admit it. Toots has been carrying on for awhile, she normally doesn't nap but occasionally she really needs one. Today is one of those days. I was awesome this morning making waffles, ham& cheese eggs, with a side of bacon. Toots wouldn't touch it until we finally bribed her into trying a bite of the waffle (she eats pancakes at other peoples' homes - why not with me??) Buck was perfect this morning - helping finish up the cooking, doing the dishes, making me chocolate milk and watching the kids so I could shower. Perfect and we are going on a date tonight too ^^ woo woo
Booboo was so proud of himself "I went poopoo mamma" 4 seconds later "I went more poopoo mamma" I am so glad when I don't have to clean diaper buts, I'm proud too. He then proceeded to explain to me that I was too big to flush, so he would take care of it. He did a good job.
Buck and Buddy are outside working on the never ending list of stuff to do before it's too cold. It was snowing this morning - Brrrrr. Most of the horses are developing a warm coat - but I'm watching Beau, his is a little slower coming in. Today we will have to make a run for some animal stuff.

Friday, November 16, 2007

It's almost quiet

I had a great day. Four home educating families came over this morning. They were so awesome to have over. The pool seemed warm enough and the kids were having a good time. Toots was in her glory having friends to play with and Booboo did really well too. Later I was able to run over to a department store and get new shoes - they were 50% off and a extra ten dollars off too. Since I was in a bargain hunting mode Buck was a sweetheart and let me stop at the pool store that was closing. I was able to get a solar blanket at 50% off. I want to experiment with it to see if I can't keep the pool warmer and less evaporation. I know it will be a pain to deal with though. It was nice that the store seemed deserted because then Toots & Booboo's behavior wasn't as annoying as it was at the next stop with lots of shoppers and well mannered children. I could feel glares from the less then patient shoppers. Personally, I like to hear another kid scream and act up a little - then I don't feel alone in parenting difficult children. Its really nice when the kids can just be themselves without the expectations of society (and parents too ) forcing them into a mold they just don't fit in to. I felt so sorry for Toots at pizza tonight. She was too tired to hold it together, and the boths were too small to wiggle much in so she was perpetually on the edge of a major breakdown. She reacted to everything in a snooty, sarcastic, annoying voice. Poor Buddy - most of her jabs were directed towards him, he handled them remarkably well. Needless to say all three of us responsible folks were dealing with major headaches this evening. It's time to sign off - I hear Toots snoring and Booboo is completely quiet. I hope I can get a decent night's sleep.

Good Morning!
Today should be fun. I might be having guests over this morning, but I haven't received any RSVP so I'm thinkin' of running errands today. Yesterday, I was supposed to clean the barn for a different group of guests but I felt under the weather so I lacked the motivation to attack the spider webs and bugs and no one showed anyway - so much for heating the pool up. The bugs are still there -yuck. It's days like yesterday that make me question the validity of having a place of hospitality and reaching out to families in need. I feel so inadequate for the huge need I see and lacking the finances doesn't help either - and people have to be willing to receive. I found so many people just can't let others in and the ones who do are "takers" and will take all the can get and them some.

OOPS! They're here! Gotta run.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


How can I be so sorrowful when I have so much to be thankful for? It is so much harder dealing with my brother's death, then I thought or never thought about. Now I'm thinking that everyone around my is going to die too - ya never know. My brain is experiencing lapses in focus, although this is slowly getting better so I'm blogging in hopes of remembering more of what life is like when Toots & Booboo are little, cute and trying.