Monday, June 16, 2008

Quick catch up

Yesterday Uncle T took Toots & Booboo for an airplane ride. Toots even got to "drive." Boo was able to unbuckle after leveling off to look out the window. He took one look outside, sat down and grabbed his seat belt. That's my big, tough, "I'm grown up" boy.

We ran out of Toot's iron on Sat. so it should be an interesting week with Buck having vacation .........

Thursday I got together with Beth and her kids. It was so good to see her; the weather was perfect; and the water-park wasn't overcrowded. Toots got rescued. After we left the water-park we came home for pizza and birthday cake (happy birthday Carson) Toots was inconsolable, the pain of not being near her friend Lexi was too great of pain for her to bear - good thing it was bedtime (past) and we could hustle her off to bed. I'm praying for a solution to Toots and Boo sharing a room - it's just not ideal.

Today Buck has aspirations of fixing the corral, anchoring the sheds, and working on the garden AND I have reservations for the Rockie Lynne concert tonight - his song about 'never having the chance to say good bye' brings tears to my eyes. It should prove to be an "interesting" day.

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