Sunday, June 29, 2008


We had lunch at a restaurant with grandma/pa today. It was awesome. The kids ate. There was no screaming, upchucking, crying, falling over, and I didn't have to pry anyone off the floor (yucko). We weren't overly distracting to the other patrons. I only had to make one quick trip to the potty. I actually got to participate in normal conversation - I'm not used to it. It was lovely. (A stark contrast to our Friday get together with friends where I was constantly "distracted" - to put it nicely) --Stop-- It was a lovely lunch and I love my children.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

It wasn't MY idea...

Our friends came to spend the night. We went to a waterpark, ( Toots and Booboo spent more time in the sand - gritty children) and had pizza afterwards. There was some rough play and the beautiful teenaged girl got her lip split open (just a little). It was late and emergency rooms are never what you want them to be so........ I often thought how nice it would be to glue "someone's" lips together, but I never thought I'd actually do it. Poor kid. Her mamma made me do it :) I hope she doesn't scar.

It was so good to see them again, but the visits always go by so quickly. Toots has been moaning all day " I miss "%%%%%" - I'll never see her again, ever!" Hey, I know where the super glue is - I'm just kidding.

Fun week

On Monday, Buck & I went to the Rockie Lynne concert. I'm now a fan; I even got a hug from him :) He has a huge heart for hurting people and does a great job expressing life events in song. We had an enjoyable evening away from the kids, so we decided to keep on that theme on Tuesday and ran away down south for the night. Wednesday was spent at home, mostly :) and on Thursday I dropped the little kids off at grandma/pa's for the night. Buck & Buddy went to the track to practice and I went to a "meeting." My sister was also there and we had a good time together after the meeting. Friday brought the wedding celebration of my niece. I'm so excited to see what God will do with their life together. I felt guilty for not including Toots and Booboo in such a momentous family event, but I didn't feel we would do our best at the photos with them there.

Saturday was the best day for Buddy. He not only won his heat race; he also won his first feature. I brought Toots & Booboo so we were all there to witness the event. Toots was screaming so loud eveyone in the stands by us turned around to see her screaming above the roar of the race cars. The track photographer thought she was so cute when she announced the Buddy was the "best driver in the whole world." Booboo was not without attention either for when the rain started we ran inside and listened to the band. The lead singer came down and danced with Boo and when she read his shirt she stuck him up on stage and read his shirt "my parents are exhausted." What a great day.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Quick catch up

Yesterday Uncle T took Toots & Booboo for an airplane ride. Toots even got to "drive." Boo was able to unbuckle after leveling off to look out the window. He took one look outside, sat down and grabbed his seat belt. That's my big, tough, "I'm grown up" boy.

We ran out of Toot's iron on Sat. so it should be an interesting week with Buck having vacation .........

Thursday I got together with Beth and her kids. It was so good to see her; the weather was perfect; and the water-park wasn't overcrowded. Toots got rescued. After we left the water-park we came home for pizza and birthday cake (happy birthday Carson) Toots was inconsolable, the pain of not being near her friend Lexi was too great of pain for her to bear - good thing it was bedtime (past) and we could hustle her off to bed. I'm praying for a solution to Toots and Boo sharing a room - it's just not ideal.

Today Buck has aspirations of fixing the corral, anchoring the sheds, and working on the garden AND I have reservations for the Rockie Lynne concert tonight - his song about 'never having the chance to say good bye' brings tears to my eyes. It should prove to be an "interesting" day.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Going green?

As I was putting the house to bed for the night, I checked to see if the kids were sleeping on Toot's "independent" camera ( a security camera in her room so she doesn't have to be in the same room as mom all the time) They appeared to be sleeping, but as I walked up the stairs I heard little footsteps ..... quiet....soft little foot steps....and then.... a little head peered around the corner ...... "what are you doing?," I asked in my quiet, patient, energy deficient whisper. "Oh, I just had to go potty" "O.K. back in bed." So - what was the black round object in her bed if it wasn't her head??? And now I "need" to stay up to make sure she goes to sleep, before I can relax enough to sleep. Good thing I checked the toilet seat before I sat down. Yep: she needed to go potty alright. As I was wiping up the seat and was preparing to flush the waste, I thought she was trying to save a tree, and I resolved that cleaning the panties would be easier then if she neglected the toilet altogether. I was feeling o.k. And then a politically incorrect discovery - the tree was sacrificed for indeed she had wiped and placed the tissue on the water tank. Yahoo - clean panties.

At least I have one child who is energy conscious - Buddy is quite happy with his once a month shower. I hope it coincides with his cousin's wedding this month.

I wonder if there are any good movies on ..... I hate to waste my sleep time, but I'll just lay there, listening in the silence, .... did I just hear something?

Mountain Memories

I just got through looking at beautiful mountain pictures. It has brought back a ton of memories. My family would go on a big road trip every year or two. One of our last trips together was to Banff and Lake Louise. I was under 10 yrs. old but I remember how beautiful it was and how good it was to be a family. My brother loved the beauty of the mountains. I'm starting to move on from just remembering his death to remembering his life and looking at those mountains today brought some sweet tears. I miss my dad, mom, and brother so much. It is a comfort to know without a doubt that they are in heaven. I know their faith, I've heard their testimony and I know that they are all together with their Saviour.

Just now I hear of more devastation. There are so many hurting people. It is my prayer that sometime I may be a blessing to those that mourn or are stressed out.

I am so thankful for all that God has given.

Becoming like the one you love

The other morning Toots' pca jumped. BooBoo was there grinning. Later I was the victim - woo. Boo sniffed my darier. "mommy you're stinky". "I am not!!!" I wonder who his next subject will be.......

The greatest compliment BooBoo can give is to tell you that you are the best driver. Buddy usually gets the distinction, but occasionally he bestows it on someone else. Today he was telling daddy the he was the best driver when Buddy pipes up "uhhh?" So BooBoo quickly changes his tune and tells his bro that he is the best driver and that daddy is "stinky". I have yet to figure out exactly what he means, but at least I'm in good company!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Loose Connections

There's gotta be something not right in BooBoo's head. I know he's had trouble with trust, anger, obsession, and an unusual loud, repetitive, raspy voice - but there's gotta be something else. He has trouble putting things together. Even when a single request is given he has trouble comprehending, and tries guessing. "Put your cup on the table" is too complicated - He's got to figure out what his cup is and then what the table is - even if he's holding the cup and standing next to the table. It takes him 5 minutes - with constant intervention. It's driving me nuts! But he is so darn cute.

I've got to remember to praise Toots more. She's been asking "Am I naughty?" She was also asking the other day about why she acts the way she does. I'm not sure how to explain it, we talk about FAS all the time and she knows she's adopted - but I don't think she really understands. I want her to learn how to succeed with her disability, not to condone misbehaviors, but to eventually learn what it will take to live the life she wants to live. I want to to know how smart and awesome she is. And I don't want her daydreaming about how wonderful life would be if she was with her birth-mom - yet I don't what to speak ill of ?bm?? either. Her "make-believe" world is so real to her - it is hard to distinguish fact from fiction.

Oooo I was actually thinking - it feels good. I sure hope calamity will stay away.