Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I've been sleeping on the couch allot lately, partly because of a old mattress and partly due to being able to hear Toots at night. Tonight I opted for the bed - mistake. I awoke to the dog bursting into the room with a stench. Not wanting to wake anyone by turning the lights on I fearfully hastened to let the dog out. I encountered a too large to be a poop object that didn't respond and closed (but left open the night before) stairway doors. Aye - there be mischief afoot lassy. An investigation proved me correct - I found a little girl with her pillow and blanket huddled in the hallway with the offensive smell emanating from her room. I washed out the comforter, cleaned the floor, sent the little girl to bed, let the dog back in all the while wondering - what did she do to the dog?? - I hope it was from the dog. I'm so thankful that it wasn't anything worse. I tremble in fear of the day she discovers matches. Why won't she sleep? (o.k. so I know that FAS people have sleep disorders, but when it's 4 a.m. I reserve the right to ask why)

Earlier today I needed to make a trip out. I used to say run errands, but Miss Toots thought we were going to Aaron's house, so to eliminate a meltdown I've changed my vocabulary - I'm so smart :) When we got to the store it was Booboo that threw a fit. I didn't even get apologetic much less embarrassed it has happened so much with Toots, I'm immune and just continue shopping. I'm sure the employees all know us. I do have to use a shopping list, 'cause me brain turns to putty when it's being assaulted. It is putty allot. Uh ooo I hear someone ...... do you think I'll get anymore sleep today?

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