Friday, February 22, 2008

It's been a long time

Good Morning. I haven't blogged lately; I've been too sad and I really don't want to remember what a huge whiner I am. I am so grateful and have so many blessings. However, here are some of the things I'm dealing with now: Buck's surgery is scheduled for March 11, same day as Buddy's wisdom teeth removal, my brother's house still isn't cleaned out, we are out of $, Toots was sick yesterday but otherwise very "busy", the boiler for the pool shed is in need of repair again (Buddy has been keeping it warm with the wood stove), one of Toots' PCA realized she couldn't "fix" our family and called _____________ ................ (Yeh, like that will help here), Buck is really worn out with the stresses that be at his workplace. Just to name a few stresses.

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